Narraweena Public School

Your family, our community

Telephone02 9971 5778


The canteen is operated by the P&C Association and managed by a canteen supervisor. Parent volunteers assist on a rostered basis and new volunteeers are always needed. If you are interested in assisting in the canteen on a monthly, fortnightly or weekly basis, please contact the canteen on 9971 5778. Your children will love seeing your friendly and welcoming face at the canteen window so if you have a few spare hours, it is a great way to help your school. Mums, dads and grandparents are very welcome!

The canteen is open  Mondays - Fridays.

Lunches and recess orders are ordered on Flexi schools so parents will need to download the App and register at  For information on how to register and use Flexischools, please see the flyer in the Documents sections of the website.

To view the canteen menu, or online ordering procedures, go to the Documents page. Menus are also available from the office and canteen. Over-the-counter sales (small snacks) are also available at recess and lunch .

In accordance with DEC policy, our school is a Healthy Food Canteen.

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