Absences must be explained on the School Bytes parent portal under the attendance tab.
An adult must present to the office when collecting a child early or if a child arrives late to school.
Students should attend school unless they are unwell and holidays should be taken during the school holiday periods. Extended leave (over 5 days) from school must be approved by the Principal.
Allergies and Anaphylaxis
Student’s allergy and anaphylaxis management plans must be current and signed by a doctor. Medication and copies of plans should be handed into the office. All medication and EpiPens are stored in sick bay.
Assistant Principals lead other teachers and also have teaching responsibilities.
Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction support teachers to implement the syllabus.
Whole school assemblies run every Friday morning in even weeks and parents/carers are welcome to attend. Morning assemblies take place under the COLA. K-2 and 3-6 assemblies are for children and teachers only. These assemblies are held on Wednesday afternoons, K-2 (even weeks) and 3-6 (odd weeks).
Athletics Carnival
The Athletics Carnivals are split across two days for K-2 and 3-6 children. Students participate in a range of events and running races. Parents/carers are welcome to attend these carnivals.
Students may join the band from Year 3. Training Band, Concert Band and String Ensemble rehearsals take place before school. These groups perform at various venues and events throughout the year. These programs and events have additional costs to participate.
Behaviour Management
Our consistent school procedures follow the DoE Behaviour policy, with a focus on restorative practices. If students do not follow expectations and their teacher has followed through with in class warning systems, they may receive a negative behaviour card. Refer to our Behaviour Management flowchart on the school website for more information.
School gates open at 8:25am and close at 3:15pm. Duty of care remains the responsibility of parents/carers outside of these times. The morning music bell goes at 8:55am and children walk to class lines.
Recess 10:55 – 11:20am
Lunch 12:40 – 12:50pm (eating time)
1st half lunch 12:50 – 1:15pm
2nd half lunch 1:15 – 1:40pm
Home time 3pm
Bikes and scooters may be ridden to school. Once children arrive in the school grounds, bikes and scooters must be walked to the designated bike rack for the day. All students must wear a helmet. The school are unable to accept responsibility for any items a student brings to school.
Each Kindergarten student is allocated a Year 6 buddy at the beginning of the school year. Kindergarten and Year 6 meet regularly and engage in a buddy program.
Students are welcome to celebrate their birthdays at school. Canteen birthday treats must be purchased via Flexischools, with parents having the option of ordering ice blocks, slushies or popcorn for the class. No treats are to be brought in from home due to a range of student allergies within the school.
The canteen is open 5 days a week. Recess and lunch orders must be done via Flexischools. Students can purchase snacks over the counter at recess and lunch. Parents/carers are invited to volunteer in the canteen.
Car Park
Only staff and school delivery drivers are to use the car park. The car park is not to be accessed by parents. The office can be accessed using the pedestrian gate next to the staff car park on McIntosh Rd. This gate remains open between 8:25 - 3:30pm daily.
Junior Choir is for students in Years 1-2 and Senior Choir for Years 3-6. Both choir groups rehearse weekly at lunch time. Choirs perform at various venues/events during the year.
Class Parent
Each class has a class parent who is the point of contact for the P&C to support events and fund-raising activities. They may also arrange social gatherings for their class.
Covered Outdoor Learning Area - This covered area can be found at the top playground.
Please make an appointment if you wish to speak to your child’s teacher. Parent/teacher interviews are conducted at the end of Term 1 and formal academic reports are sent home via School Bytes at the end of Term 2 and 4.
The school counsellor works at NPS two days a week. Contact your child’s teacher or the Deputy Principal if you need a referral for your child.
Cross Country Carnival
This running event is usually held at Beverly Job Park. Students turning 8 years and over within current the school year may participate.
CVC words contain a consonant – vowel – consonant, e.g. cat, hen, tip. Students in Kindergarten are taught to read and write CVC words.
Students can audition for the Junior and Senior Dance groups. If selected, they will attend weekly lunch time rehearsals and perform at a range of dance competitions and school events. Dance is part of our curriculum and all students have the opportunity to learn some dance skills K-6. Students in Year 5 participate in one term of DanceSport, an in-school ballroom dancing program. All Year 5 students represent Narraweena PS in a costumed gala event at a local venue.
Students in Years 5 and 6 are selected to represent Narraweena PS in an inter-school debating competition. They attend weekly debating sessions with the coordinating teacher.
Deputy Principal – supports the Principal to lead and manage the school.
English as an Additional Language/Dialect. A part-time EAL/D teacher works with students from various language backgrounds. Support is given in classrooms and small groups based on the students' language proficiency.
Early school departures
(See Absences)
Easter Hat Parade
This event usually occurs on the Thursday before Easter. Students make and decorate a hat at school and then parade their hats at a community gathering.
An option for K-6 students that runs for 30 minutes on Wednesdays after lunch at the same time as scripture and non-scripture classes. Students discuss various age-appropriate ethical scenarios with peers. Classes are based on the availability of volunteers.
Our school expectations are to be respectful, responsible, and resilient. These expectations are explicitly taught in class and signs are around the school indicating the expected behaviour.
Extension Studies
Year 5 or 6 students are nominated by their classroom teacher and those selected attend Cromer Campus once a week for a term or semester. They undertake a variety of extension activities.
Evacuation drills are undertaken throughout the year, in case of a real emergency. The drills vary between on-site, off-site and lockdowns.
First Aid
Located in the front office. Treatment of minor injuries and sick bay for students who may be feeling unwell. Parents are contacted if necessary.
This app is used for placing canteen and uniform shop orders. It is also used by the P&C for special event tickets/gifts such as Mother’s Day breakfast.
Fruit Break
Every morning at approximately 10am children have a 5 to 10 minute break and enjoy a piece of fruit. This is also an opportunity to use the bathroom and engage in some physical activity.
Our General Assistant works 5 days per week and maintains our buildings and grounds.
Gold Merits
Presented by our Principal during Friday morning’s whole school assemblies every even week. Five small or large white merits equals one gold. Five gold merits equal a special morning tea with the Principal. Please set up a system at home to store merit cards safely.
Harmony Day
A national day held in March to celebrate cultural diversity.
Children are expected to wear their school hat daily. If they do not have a hat, they must play under the COLA.
Home Sport
Year 3-6 students who do not participate in inter-school-sport (PSSA) or tennis on Fridays, will engage in a range of sporting games at school. This may include soccer, table tennis, gold, AFL and basketball.
Honour Assembly
Three Honour Assemblies are held each year.
Term 1- Citizenship, Term 2 - Literacy, Term 3 - Numeracy. Teachers nominate 2 children per class to receive a certificate.
School starts at 8:55am and ends at 3pm.
Our sporting houses are named after famous Australian explorers. Students are allocated to a house once enrolled. Siblings are placed in the same house. There are four sporting houses: Eyre (yellow), Hume (green), Oxley (blue) and Sturt (red). House coloured t-shirts may be worn for sports carnivals.
House Captains
Year 6 students are elected to these positions by the Year 2-6 students. Each house has two captains.
House Cards
House Cards are part of our school-wide positive reward system. Students may receive a house card for following school expectations in class, during break times or in music, library or PE classes. The house with the most points at the end of each term will celebrate by wearing their house colour and enjoying an ice block from the canteen.
Learning activities that are completed at home, complimenting what is being taught in the classrooms. This may include practising mathematics or spelling concepts, typing and reading. Homework is not compulsory.
High Potential Gifted Education. The HPGE policy has been implemented to promote engagement and challenge for every child, regardless of their background, across intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical domains. This policy supports every child to achieve their educational potential.
Interschool Sports (ISS)
Formerly PSSA. Students in Years 3-6 compete against other schools on Fridays. There are both summer and winter Interschool Sports competitions.
Summer – newcombe ball, volleyball, eagle tag, softball, tee ball
Winter – netball, soccer, rugby league
There are 6 Key Learning Areas for Kindergarten to Year 6. English, Mathematics, History/Geography, Science and Technology, CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts) and PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education).
Late Arrivals
If students arrive at school after 8:55am, they are expected to collect a late note from the office. Parents/carers must accompany their child at the office.
Each class attend a weekly 40 minute library lesson and can borrow books to take home and enjoy.
Our library is also open each day at 2nd half of lunch for those who are interested in reading, drawing or playing board games.
Life Education
Life Education is an external PDH program. The Life Education van and Healthy Harold visit Narraweena PS to teach children about their physical health, social and emotional wellbeing and safety. Students complete follow up activities in class.
Lost Property
A lost property tub is located outside the library. All clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles should be clearly labelled with the student's name.
Lunch clubs and activities
Students can participate in lunch time clubs which may include Junior and Senior Choir, Garden Club, Trash Drums, Drawing Club and library. Teachers remind their class of these clubs through eating time announcements.
Parents/carers must complete a form stating time/doses of any medication that needs to be administered at school. All medicine must be kept at the front office.
Merit awards
2 mini merits are awarded in class weekly. 3 large merits are handed out per class at each K-2 and 3-6 assembly (fortnightly). Families are encouraged to keep these awards in a safe place at home as the awards contribute to further awards.
5 white merits (large or mini) qualify for 1 Gold award. Students should hand their 5 merits in at the office.
5 Gold awards qualify students for morning tea with the Principal at the end of term.
Mufti Day
A day where the students can wear clothes that are not their usual school uniform. This may be to support a charity or a special theme day. Students must wear appropriate enclosed footwear and sun safe clothes, including a hat.
All classes have a weekly 40-minute music lesson with a specialist teacher.
National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy. An annual assessment for students in Years 3 and 5. This is a nationwide measure that assesses literacy and numeracy skills. NAPLAN is made up of 4 areas: reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Assessments take place in Term 1 and results are shared with parents/carers when released in Term 3.
Our school newsletter is sent out every odd week via School Bytes. It can also be found on our newsletter.
Out of School Hours Care. Before and after school is operated by Explore and Develop. The OSHC contact number is 0419 430 506 and email oshc@exploreanddevelop.com.au.
All payments including school fees, excursions, sporting activities can be made via School Bytes. If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact the SAM (School Administration Manager) or Principal.
Peer Support
A K-6 8 week program that focuses on student wellbeing. Year 6 children are leaders, and groups meet for 40 minutes to participate in a variety of activities based on empowering students, building positive relationships and developing their social and emotional skills.
Phonics is the understanding that there is a predictable relationship between phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (letters). Students begin learning single letter sounds in Term 1 of Kindergarten. An explicit and synthetic phonics program is delivered in all K-2 classes.
There are four playgrounds at Narraweena PS and these are all supervised during break times. These are called -top, lower, quiet area and oval/astro. The top playground is open before school for K-2 children and the lower playground for 3-6. Students can choose to play in any open playground at recess and lunch.
The principal leads and manages the school.
Parents and Citizens. The P&C work with the Principal and school community in a productive partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for students. The P&C work hard to raise funds for the school to purchase additional items and make further improvements. P&C meetings are held every third Tuesday 7pm in the school library/hall/staff study. All parents/carers are welcome to join the P&C.
Students are not permitted to use a mobile phone/ smart watch or other electronic device to make or receive calls/ messages or take still or video photos during the school day. Parents/carers should contact the school office if they need to get a message to their child.
Presentation Day Assembly
Held at the end of the school year. Students are recognised for their achievements in academics, citizenship/effort, creative and performing arts and sport. Parents/carers are invited to attend the K-2 and 3-6 Presentation assemblies in Term 4.
Students in Years K-2 have a home reading log to track 50, 100, 150 and 200 nights of reading. Once they have completed each section, students can show their teacher to receive special awards of house cards, merits or even select a book. Regular home reading is strongly encouraged.
Red Card
See Behaviour Management section of A-Z.
Semester academic reports are shared with parents/carers at the end of Terms 2 and 4. Reports include information on how your child is performing in class academically and socially. All reports are available on the School Bytes portal.
Our School Administration Manager is responsible for maintaining the school budget alongside the Principal, paying invoices and receiving payments. Our School Administration Officers complete administrative tasks, and provide first aid in the office.
School Bytes
Our school administrative and communication platform. All school information is communicated with parents via the School Bytes portal. Parents can view school events in the parent calendar, access fortnightly newsletters, submit absentee notes and make payments all on the portal.
Student Leadership Team
In Term 4, Year 5 students are provided with an opportunity to nominate themselves for school captain in Year 6. This includes preparing a nomination speech and a secret voting system. The leadership positions include:
2 school captains
2 vice captains
4 prefects
Band Captain
House Captains
Students are offered Protestant and Catholic classes. Parents/carers who do not select Scripture class may request their child attends Ethics or Non-Scripture classes. These classes run for 30 minutes each Wednesday afternoon and are taught by volunteers. Further details are available on our school website.
Sick Bay
Students must speak with a teacher prior to visiting sick bay in the office. Parents will be contacted when required.
3-6 students participate in Friday afternoon sport. (See Home Sport, PSSA and Tennis for more information).
K-6 students have specialist 40 minute PE lessons weekly including teaching of fundamental movement skills.
Student Representative Council. Year 1-6 classes elect an SRC representative for their class each semester (Term 1/2 & Term 3/4). Representatives attend meetings, discusses fundraising and ways to improve the school.
Early Stage 1 – Kindergarten
Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2
Stage 2 – Years 3 and 4
Stage 3 – Years 5 and 6
Swim School
A School Swimming and Water Safety program for students from Year 2. This program is run by Department of Education teachers at a local swim centre. Swim School is a 10 day program and is usually held in Term 4. The cost of lessons is covered by the DoE while parents/carers are charged for the cost of bus transportation and pool entry.
Swimming Carnival
Held at the beginning of each year at a local swim centre. Children who are 8 years and older who are confident swimmers may compete. All students in Years 3-6 are expected to attend.
Talent Quest
Held on the last day of school in Term 4. All students K-6 may audition to perform in this fun event.
Students who do not participate in ISS may choose to pay for tennis lessons at Voyager Tennis courts in Narraweena. Tennis children are selected based on a ‘first in’ basis. Students walk down to the tennis courts with a Narraweena PS teacher.
Students must wear correct school uniform, unless participating in sport where they wear school sport uniform on that day. Winter uniform changeover is the beginning of Term 2, however, a two-week transition during week 1 and 2 is acceptable. Summer uniform changeover is the beginning of Term 4, with a two week transition, during week 9 and 10 of Term 3.
The uniform shop is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 8:30 – 9:30am. Uniforms can be purchased via Flexischools with items delivered to your child’s classroom. The uniform shop is run by our P&C.
Parents/carers can assist in the classrooms, canteen or at P&C functions. They must sign in at the office and have a valid Working with Children Check. Please see the office administration staff about requirements for volunteer work.
Wet weather
Students need either a raincoat and/or an umbrella on wet days. If it is very wet outside, students will stay indoors for recess and lunch. Teachers actively supervise children inside classrooms during wet weather.
Yellow card
If students are not following our school expectations and warning systems are in place, they may receive a yellow card. Classroom teachers will contact parents/carers to discuss the yellow card. Students attend the ‘Think room’ with an Assistant Principal for 1st half of lunch. This is an opportunity for a restorative conversation to discuss and reflect on the incident.
Zone Carnivals
Students attend the zone carnival in swimming, athletics or cross country if they are successful in gaining a recognised place at one of these events at the Narraweena PS school carnivals. Parents/carers will be notified if their child has made it through to zone.